Logos etc /about/

Title: CSSS 2007 Logo
Inspired by: SFI logo, Strogatz's synchronizing fireflies, and Hübler's ball bearings
Used: breast logo on official t-shirt for 2007 SFI's Complex Systems Summer School
Title: CSSS 2007 T-Shirt Back
Inspired by: Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics (Hegger, Kantz and Schreiber)
Used: back design on official t-shirt for 2007 SFI's Complex Systems Summer School

Title: eMe
Inspired by: Zdzislaw Pawlak's Theory of Rough Sets; (lower and upper approximations of data sets)
Used: on my personal website;.(interactive animation; follow the link and play with it to find more!)
Title: Group for Logic and Formal Semantics
Idea: Philosophical computer modeling; (you see the wrench, but do you see the computer?)
Inspired by: 1930's Soviet Propaganda Posters
Used: ComputationalPhilosophy.org
Title: Experimental Philosophy Lab
Idea: Armchair philosophy: taking the philosopher out of the armchair and putting the folk in! ("folk" as in "folk psychology")
Used: UA's Experimental Philosophy Lab
Used: Musikschule Brainin, Hannover, Germany. Not currently used.